200 Million Rubles Will Be Spent On Surveillance for the Unified State Exam in 2015
2015-01-13 11:49:07
Federal Education and Science Supervision Service announced a tender for companies that can improve online video surveillance system of the Unified State Exam. Initial contract price is 200 million rubles.
Application materials show that 60% of all exam procedure abnormalities were detected by video surveillance system. Moreover, the corresponding study shows that the number of students expelled from examination rooms is 63% higher for schools that broadcasted video on-line compared to cases when cameras were working in off-line mode.
Tender winner company will have to provide online broadcast for smotriege.ru web-portal, further develop functionality of the website and provide technical support during the days of the examination. In addition, a contractor is required to introduce improvements to the existing software.
Applications for participation in the tender procedure will be accepted until January 19, the results will be announced on January 22. All work must be executed before November 10, 2015.
Источник: ria.ru
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